Hosted by January Jones & Ginger Ale
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At this website you will find books and products that I have recommended from my Podcast and from my personal Glitter Granny shopping adventures at AMAZON DIRECT GLITTER GRANNY GIFTS LINK

Thanks For Subscribing! Here is Your FREE Glitter Granny Gift.

It’s the best selling book by January Jones called “Thou Shalt Not Whine: The Eleventh Commandment 

I have done over 4,000 podcast radio & TV episodes in the last ten years and most have featured guests who have written books that they were promoting. It will be my pleasure to share these amazing books with you.

I love to Give and to get Gifts as you will discover! I have created a website that is Glamorous and Glows with Glitter products that I hope you will enjoy. It has been fun becoming a Glitter Expert and a great adventure exploring all things that Glitter at and sharing them with you.

As for my Amazon Prime Membership, it is something that I use most everyday and I’ll be sharing these products with you too. As my husband of 53 years said, “Everyday here is like Christmas with all of the boxes from Amazon on our front porch!” At my age (80+) not only is a convenience but it has made my life so much easier. I even order food and snacks from them and things as small as over the counter pills. You name it and I have probably ordered it or will be doing so soon especially if it Glitters!

I hope you enjoy Glitter Granny Gifts as much as I have in creating it!
Enjoy, enjoy and to every Granny out there, keep on Glittering & Glowing!

Hugs, January Jones
The Glitter Granny
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